Client: Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Site: Christchurch Innovation Precinct
Design: 2012
Program: 120 hactare innovation mixed use
Chris Moller, Andrew Mitchener,
Hamish Shaw
Patrick Arnold (eCubed building wshop)
Within the new Christchurch Plan as a response to the earthquakes of 2010 & 2011, CMA+U were commissioned to assist the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment in the preparation of an overarching Strategic Framework Plan to guide future development in the Christchurch Innovation Precinct within the new Christchurch Plan.This included identifying strategic directions and shared vision; the broad form of urban development and key infrastructure required to support sustainable urban development. The results provided material to help shape a bold and exciting, yet sustainable and sensitive Urban Vision, a catalytic strategy and delivery mechanism to robustly and creatively facilitate feasible realisation.
‘Next Steps’ in the process included:
- Hardware (robust and flexible Spatial Framework)
- Software (key and strategic events to engage stakeholders, motivate investors and generate enthusiasm from citizens and interest groups – eg arts/science/innovation events)
- Orgware (delivery mechanism to facilitate realisation)
- EXCHANGE ENGINE… to catalyse the synergies between businesses of the emerging innovation economy.
- LEARN A LIVING now every business, institution & individual needs to learn continuously
- SPACE TO GROW both local opportunity and international players can grow & prosper here
- LOYALTY BEYOND REASON innovation requires committed parents who invest in future potentials
- HONOUR YOUR ERRORS innovation is catalysed through systematic error management
- CULTIVATE INCREASING RETURNS each time you use an idea or skill you strengthen it, success breeds success.
- DISTRIBUTE BEING – BOTTOM UP when everything is connected to everything in a distributed network the sum of the parts add up to more than the parts, extra being is distributed
- MIXED USE – HYBRID ARCHITECTURE extra-ordinary architecture weaves mixed-use, landscape and infrastructure it uses less energy and works harder by integrating things together
- COURTS, SQUARES & PARKS many different places to meet, network, watch, think, learn and play.
- SUSTAINABILITY SHOW CASE showcase energy, water, carbon impact, building materials, smart technologies.